Tuesday, February 12, 2008

It's all about podcasting, baby!

It's all about podcasting, baby!

As a born multi-tasker, I never have the time to settle to any single thing at one time. Podcasts were totally made for me. There is so much out there for web devs to play with, and it is important to be informed about what is hot - and what is not.
I have been an avid listener to podcasts from the BBC and the NYTimes for a while now: and I love the brief overview that the front page of the NY Times gives me, the
in depth international views from the BBC documentaries: and everything in between.
The subject mattters vary, and I get a wide perspective on many aspects of life.
The only trouble is that there are so many, and they all look so darn good :)

The absolutely grooviest discovery that I have made of late in the podcast world is young Mr. Dan Carlin. My kinda guy. An off-the-cuff and real world look at what's happening - and what happened way back in history.
Dan Carlin, we think you de man

Big in the web geek world - I am finding these intriguing as an overview, and a Brit view on these things:
boagworld, and of course
the .net magazine podcast
- this guy talks a little funny: but I can relate :)

There's also Talk Crunch and
The Web 2.0 Show - crazy stuff. Looking forward to diving into these very much. So much to hear...

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